Today I decided to more deeply investigate this curious math thing I discovered (for myself) - Plotting the Fibonacci numbers by Prime numbers each by a given modulo. "Fibo-what? Mod-what? So what!", you say. :p
tl;dr code: slice-seq and slice-seq.R
Continue reading Fibonacci v Primes: Cage Match!...
The prime number sequence fascinates me. I am not sure why but exposing properties in it is exciting. Even if they are mundane and "obvious to everyone else", the fact that I can answer questions visually, sometimes thrills me.
tl;dr: gaps-of-gaps
Continue reading Primes, Gaps and Gaps of Gaps...
One day I became curious about musical triads (three note chords) as geometric triangles. I speculated about the actual sizes of the sides, given the intervals between the notes at the corners. Then, in no time, I was off day-dreaming about wobbling, vibrating triangles and string theory...
Continue reading Musical Deltahedra...