The other day I stumbled across the Wikipedia entry for Halstead software complexity and became curious about how the language Perl would measure up.
Now I knew the adage that "only perl can parse perl", but I also knew about the PPI set of modules on the CPAN. So I got to reading/experimenting...
Continue reading Halstead Software Complexity of Perl Code...
Today I decided to revisit the Bach Choral Harmony data set and look at chord progression transitions.
In order to do this I wrote a small program that tallies the movement from one chord to another, and then outputs a Graphviz dot file that can be turned into an image.
Continue reading Bach Choral Harmony Network Diagrams...
- What is the number of primes per n-slice of the decimal part of pi?
- What does the graph look like?
- Are there many overlapping primes (i.e. start at the same position in the slice)?
Continue reading How Many Primes Are In A Slice Of Pi?...
Today being a Saturday, I decided to noodle around with the GD::Simple module and constructed rudimentary Chernoff faces - Cartoon data visualization.
Continue reading Making Chernoff Faces with Perl...
In 1968, Aristid Lindenmayer introduced "L-systems" to the world. Basically, this is an iterative rewriting system of rules that operates on a string beginning with an "axiom" or initial string.
Continue reading Sonic L-Systems...