Evolving Barycentric Chords
What do the fittest barycentric chords of an evolutionary generic algorithm sound like? Bary- what? Genetic what?
tl;dr: barycenter4
What do the fittest barycentric chords of an evolutionary generic algorithm sound like? Bary- what? Genetic what?
tl;dr: barycenter4
Today I decided to revisit the Bach Choral Harmony data set and look at chord progression transitions.
In order to do this I wrote a small program that tallies the movement from one chord to another, and then outputs a Graphviz dot file that can be turned into an image.
One day I became curious about musical triads (three note chords) as geometric triangles. I speculated about the actual sizes of the sides, given the intervals between the notes at the corners. Then, in no time, I was off day-dreaming about wobbling, vibrating triangles and string theory...