I stumbled upon this chart of 17 blues-jazz (jazz-blues?) chord progressions by Dan Haerle. Naturally, being a programmer-musician, I made a program with which to practice improv skills. (tl;dr: blues-progressions & audio below)
Continue reading Twelve-bar Jazz Practice...
I have a library of drummer tools, and Frank Zappa wrote The Black Page drum solo. So... (tl;dr: black-page & mp3 at the bottom)
Continue reading The Black Page (in Perl)...
My friend Mike gave me this guitar he built (from new parts, not used scrap!). So I decided it was time to re-learn the basics of playing the instrument...
Continue reading Guitar Resurrection...
After studying John Coltrane's wholetone/chromatic circular diagram, I was determined to make a program to show musical intervals around a circle. And if I could, to make a concentric "inner" ring with note offsets, like Coltrane did. So the weekend arrived and I got busy...
Continue reading Circular Music Interval Diagram...

Like many music theory minded people, who also are into jazz, I have seen and wondered about John Coltrane's curious circle drawing...
Continue reading Coltrane's Mystery Music Diagram...