Git Status Over a Repository Sandbox


Do you want to have a birds-eye view of an entire directory of repositories?

tl;dr: gitstat

I have a sandbox with over a hundred repositories. This is probably small compared to many uber-geeks. But anyway, I made an app that does that! And here it is...

The standard perl preamble:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

Imports that the program depends upon:

use File::Find::Rule ();
use IO::Prompt qw(prompt);
use List::Util qw(any);
use DateTime ();
use DateTime::Format::DateParse ();
use Time::Ago ();

Accept program arguments for either quick summary or interactive view, and the location of the repositories:

my $summary = shift // 0;
my $path    = shift || $ENV{HOME} . '/sandbox';
my $filter  = shift // ''; # Inclusive regular expression pattern

Ok. First-up, we get a list of the possible repositories:

my @repos = File::Find::Rule
  ->not(File::Find::Rule->new->name(qr/^\./)) # Skip .dot dirs

Next is the loop over these in ASCII-betical order, skipping any without a ".git" directory. For each that is a repo, change to that directory and get the branch name. Then we either print a quick summary, or switch to interactive mode.

REPO: for my $repo (sort @repos) {

If we choose to show a summary (with a "1" as the first program argument), an optional "DIRTY" flag is printed with the time since the last commit. Here is the code for that:

my $git = qx{ git diff --stat };
print ' - DIRTY' if $git;
print "\n";

$git = qx{ git log -1 --format=%cd };
chomp $git;

my $last = DateTime::Format::DateParse->parse_datetime($git, 'local');
my $duration = $now->subtract_datetime_absolute($last);
$git = Time::Ago->in_words($duration->seconds);
print "\tLast commit $git ago\n";


while (1) {
  printf "\n%0*d. %s (%s)", $width, $i, $repo, $branch;

  my $git = qx{ git diff --stat };
  print ' - DIRTY' if $git;
  print "\n";

  my $response = prompt 'Enter=next q=quit s=status p=pull f=prune: ';

  if ($response eq 'q') {
    last REPO;

Ok. We prompt the user for their choice. If this is "q", we bail-out of the program. The other 4 conditions are as follows:

  elsif ($response eq 's') {
    my $git = qx{ git status --untracked-files=no };
    $git =~ s/^On branch [\w\-\/]+//;
    $git =~ s/\s*\(.+?\)//gm;
    $git =~ s/\n+/\n/gm;
    print $git;

    $git = qx{ git branch -a };
    print "\n$git";

    $git = qx{ git log -1 --format=%cd };
    print "\nLast commit on $git";

This performs a git status, prints out the branches of the repository, and then prints out the time of the last commit.

  elsif ($response eq 'p') {
    my $git = qx{ git pull };
    print "\n$git";

Sometimes I want to pull. Some people abhor pulling... Fortunately, this program is open source!

  elsif ($response eq 'f') {
    my $git = qx{ git fetch --prune };
    $git =~ s/\n+/\n/gm;
    print $git;

Sometimes I want to fetch everything and get rid of the branches that have been deleted.

The final condition is just to skip to the next repo with:

  else {
    next REPO;

I run this in the shell by putting this in my ~/bin directory, making it executable, then saying:

$ gitstat 1 | grep DIRTY -A1

And look for DIRTY repos. Or interactively, for instance:

$ gitstat 0 ~/repos

Anyway, the point is that you can execute any git shell commands with the perl "qx" operator and a bit of tweezing!
