Exuberant Ctags + vim = Joy


There are a couple thousand posts on how cool Exuberant Ctags is... This is another!

I am a programmer and use ctags for a couple perl things:

  • To index every perl package - core and from CPAN.

  • To index the perl packages under the lib and t directories.

I will only cover the second. (The first is easy if you understand the second.)

So first is to install Exuberant Ctags. For my mac, that's just brew install ctags. On my Ubuntu linux box, that's: sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags.

I use a custom ~/.ctags file with directives that tells ctags to parse perl packages only. This is:





--regex-perl=/with[ \t]+([^;]+)[ \t]*?;/\1/w,role,roles/
--regex-perl=/extends[ \t]+['"]([^'"]+)['"][ \t]*?;/\1/e,extends/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?use[ \t]+base[ \t]+['"]([^'"]+)['"][ \t]*?;/\1/e,extends/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?use[ \t]+parent[ \t]+['"]([^'"]+)['"][ \t]*?;/\1/e,extends/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?use[ \t]+Mojo::Base[ \t]+['"]([^'"]+)['"][ \t]*?;/\1/e,extends/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?use[ \t]+([^;]+)[ \t]*?;/\1/u,use,uses/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?require[ \t]+((\w|\:)+)/\1/r,require,requires/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?has[ \t]+['"]?(\w+)['"]?/\1/a,property,properties/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?\*(\w+)[ \t]*?=/\1/b,alias,aliases/
--regex-perl=/->helper\([ \t]?['"]?(\w+)['"]?/\1/h,helper,helpers/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?our[ \t]*?[\$@%](\w+)/\1/o,our,ours/
--regex-perl=/^[ \t]*?my[ \t]*?(\$\w+)[ \t]*?=[ \t]*?sub/\1/s,private subroutine,private subroutines/

I stitched this together from a couple places. One being kberov/ctags on github.

Next for me is to add a bash alias for making the tags files that are constantly re-created (when there are new bits pulled from git origin):

alias retag='cd lib; ctags -R; cd -; cd t; ctags -R; cd -'

Lastly, a ctags directive is needed in the ~/.vimrc file. This needs to point to a few places: 1. the core and cpan perl (an absolute directory that is not covered here) and 2. the relative directories to lib and t. And what is that directive?

set tags=lib/tags,t/tags

Now when you are in a script.pl perl file, you position the cursor over a subroutine or module name and key CTRL-]. This jumps you to the subroutine definition or top of the module, respectively.

To return to the previous position, key CTRL-o.
