

version 0.4206

Advanced Grooves

Cold Sweat (Clyde Stubblefield)

  my $accent = 30;

  for my $n (1 .. $d->bars) {
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh);

      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->sixteenth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);

      $d->note($d->sixteenth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->open_hh, $d->kick);

      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->pedal_hh);
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->snare);

      $d->note($d->sixteenth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);

      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->sixteenth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);

      $d->note($d->sixteenth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->sixteenth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);

      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->eighth, $d->closed_hh);

Fool in the Rain (John Bonham)

  my ($min, $max) = (30, 127);

  for my $n (1 .. $d->bars) {
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->open_hh, $d->kick);

      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->pedal_hh);
      $d->accent_note($min, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);

      $d->accent_note($max, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh);

      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($min, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);

The Purdie Shuffle (Bernard Purdie)

  my $accent = 30;

  for my $n (1 .. $d->bars) {
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh);

      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);

      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->snare);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh);

      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh);
      $d->accent_note($accent, $d->triplet_eighth, $d->snare);
      $d->note($d->triplet_eighth, $d->closed_hh, $d->kick);

The Black Page (Frank Zappa)

This is an exercise for the reader. It is one of the most advanced grooves ever. It makes use of a number of "tuplets". For instance: a half note triplet duration with groups of 5 notes for quarter notes within. Oof!

Please see this long program , which is in the eg/ directory of this distribution.

Utility Method


This method is identical to the MIDI score method. It's just a convenient wrapper for the drummer, as shown below.

Beat-string Patterns


If bit-strings are considered to be beats ( 1 for a note-on strike and 0 for no strike), then we shall call them "beat-strings." :)

      patterns   => [qw( 0101 0101 0110 0110 )],
      instrument => $d->snare,

The options and their defaults are the following:

  duration: quarter-note
  beats:    given by constructor
  repeat:   1
  negate:   0 (flip the bit values)
  vary:     {
      0 => sub { $self->rest( $args{duration} ) },
      1 => sub { $self->note( $args{duration}, $args{instrument} ) },

Those are all fairly obvious except for the last "vary" option. This defines what to do (or not do) given the digit of the beat-string. For 0 , we rest - for the given (or default) duration. For 1 , we add a note to the score.

This "vary" option can be made up on the fly, by the caller. We can therefore provide different behaviors to perform, when this method is called.

Now the string doesn't need to contain only ones and zeros! The string could have a 2 in it! The "vary" would then need to contain a 2 key, with instructions for what to do - like roll, possibly.


Ok. That's fine for a single voice. But more often we want to multitrack different parts simultaneously? Enter the sync_patterns method.

      $d->open_hh => [ '11111111') ],
      $d->snare   => [ '0101' ],
      $d->kick    => [ '1010' ],
  ) for 1 .. $d->bars;

The hi-hat is 8 beats long. The kick and snare are 4 beats each. This means that the kick and snare are quarter notes, and the hi-hat will be treated as eighth notes, because a "common multiple" is computed.

sync() Revisited

For finer-grain control, you should use the above pattern method combined with the sync method:

    sub { $d->pattern(
        instrument => $d->closed_hh,
        patterns   => [ '11111111' ]
    sub { $d->pattern(
        instrument => $d->snare,
        patterns   => [ $my_pattern->($snare_onset, 16) ]
    sub { $d->pattern(
        instrument => $d->kick,
        patterns   => [ $my_pattern->($kick_onset, 16) ]
  ) for 1 .. $d->bars - 1;

Why bars - 1 ? Because next up is a one measure fill!

What is my_pattern ? That is an imaginary routine that takes a number of onsets and a total number of beats; much like the euclid function in the CreatingRhythms module. Hint hint. ;)


This is a work in progress, and is tricky to get right... It uses beat-stings:

      sub { # this is the fill itself
          my $self = shift;
          return {
            duration         => 16, # a 16-beat fill
            $self->closed_hh => '00000000',
            $self->snare     => '11111111',
            $self->kick      => '10001000',
      # the phrase to play before the fill
      $d->closed_hh => [ '11111111' ],
      $d->snare     => [ '0101' ],
      $d->kick      => [ '1010' ],

Copyright and License

This software is copyright (c) 2014-2023 by Gene Boggs.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.