
Partition a Musical Duration into Rhythmic Phrases


Music::Duration::Partition is a Perl module that partitions a musical duration into randomized rhythmic phrases.

GitHub Issues

Features of the Module


MIDI-Perl length pool aliases, 'hn' = half-note, 'qn' = quarter-note, 'ten' = triplet eighth-note, etc.

Fine-grained duration control with 'd' and a number of "ticks" (e.g. 'd48'). And there are 96 ticks per quarter-note.

Motif Generation

Create single or multiple, randomized rhythmic phrases ("motifs").

Score Interaction

Add motifs and corresponding voices to a MIDI score.

Quick Example

Basic Usage

use MIDI::Util qw(setup_score);
use Music::Duration::Partition ();
use Music::Scales qw(get_scale_MIDI);

my $score = setup_score();

my $mdp = Music::Duration::Partition->new(
    pool => [qw(hn dqn qn en)],

my $motif = $mdp->motif;

my @scale = get_scale_MIDI('C', 4, 'major');

my @voices = map { $scale[ int rand @scale ] } @$motif;

$mdp->add_to_score($score, $motif, \@voices);


Music-Duration-Partition is available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and BSD distributions through the CPAN.

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